The evenings are getting longer and autumn has started. It is time for a nice stew in the slow cooker. The delicious autumn scents of cinnamon, cloves, nutmeg fill your kitchen and home. Then you really know that autumn has started.

Recipe for 4 people;
1.2 kg Beef steak
3 Large Onions
3 Large Carrots
½ Ltr. Beef bouillon
1 bottle of Kasteelbier
3 cloves of garlic
4 sprigs of fresh thyme
2 bay leaves
2 slices of gingerbread
2 tablespoons of Zwolle stew from Jonnie de Boer
Olive oil
Wheat flour
Salt and pepper

Cut the sucade steaks into pieces of about 4cm and sprinkle a little flour over them. Put the olive oil in a large frying pan and brown the sucade. Season with salt and pepper. Do this in several times if necessary. Transfer the meat to a preheated slow cooker. Cut the onions and carrots into large pieces and peel the garlic cloves. Add the beer, beef stock, onions, carrots, garlic and 2 tablespoons of Zwolsche Stoof to the slow cooker. Stir everything once. Then add the 2 fresh thyme sticks and bay leaves and finally 2 slices of gingerbread.
Place the lid on the slow cooker and simmer on low for 6 hours.
If the sauce is not thick enough, you can put some sauce in a cup at the end, add some cornstarch and stir well until all the cornstarch is dissolved. Then pour this mixture into the slow cooker, mix well and let it cook for a while.
As a side dish, this stew is delicious with rice or potato/parsnip puree.
For garnish, use sprigs of fresh thyme to complete the dish.
To top it all off. A nice cold Belgian or Bock beer tastes fantastic with it.
Enjoy your meal …