This delicious piece of Deer Fillet comes from a Fallow Deer from Hosterwold. In Hosterwold there is a proliferation of fallow deer and sometimes a number of them are shot each year by Faunabeheer Flevoland. This game ends up at or at Keurslager Suydersee (both are owned by Klaas de Wal). It is up to me to make a nice dish from this delicious piece of meat from Flevoland. Deer Back Fillet with Port Sauce and Parsnip.

Recipe for 4 people;
500 gr. Venison fillet
100 gr. Chanterelle
500 gr. Parsnips
50gr. Brussels sprouts
2 shallots
4 cloves of garlic.
20 gr. Light brown sugar.
2 dl Red Port
2 dl game stock
8 Juniper berries (crushed)
Bunch of Fresh Thyme
2 sage leaves
150 gr. Butter
Bunch of Fresh Thyme
Fresh Pepper
Coarse Salt
Remove the venison fillet from the refrigerator an hour in advance and allow it to come to room temperature.
Port Sauce:
Put 25 gr. of butter in a pan and fry the shallots. Add the light brown sugar and let it carmalize on a low heat. Now carefully pour (off the heat) the Red Port into the pan and add the crushed juniper berries, sage and 2 tbsp. fresh thyme. Let this reduce by half. After reducing, add 2 dl. Game stock and let this reduce gently for 10 minutes. Then pour the sauce through a sieve into a clean pan and put it back on a low heat until the desired thickness is reached.
Parsnip Puree
Peel the parsnip and cut into cubes. Keep 1 whole peeled parsnip aside for the garnish. Boil this for 12-14 minutes with a little salt. Then drain it. Mash it into a smooth puree. Add some butter and milk and season it further with some pepper and salt.
Garnish of Parsnip Crisp, Chanterelle and Brussels Sprouts
Carefully clean the Chanterelle. Put 25 gr. butter in a large frying pan. When the butter has melted, finely chop 2 cloves of garlic and add this and fry it. Now carefully cook the chanterelle until they are done. Remove everything from the pan and keep it in a bowl. Peel the parsnip with a cheese slicer, lengthwise, nice thin strips and fry these together with the sprouts, with some extra butter, in the same pan as the chanterelle.
Deer Back Fillet:
The last step is the venison fillet. Take a grill pan or even better a Skillet. Add 50 grams of butter on a high heat. When the butter has melted add 2 cloves of garlic and some sprigs of thyme, to give the butter a lovely rustic flavour. Sprinkle the venison fillet with fresh pepper and salt.
When the butter is brown, fry the fillet on each side for 4 minutes. Now remove the fillet from the pan, and now comes the most important thing, let it rest for at least 7 minutes in aluminum foil.

Enjoy your meal ...